Dated: 11/Feb/2022.
Chairman Message
At KTH we are committed to our vision of being a “role model & leader” in patient Care, medical education, research and community interaction. Along with our commitment to implementation of MTI Reforms Act 2015 in letter & spirit. We have put in place the foundations of good Governance.
I am proud of the support I get from the Board members and the leaders at higher management level: The Deans KMC, KCD, Medical Director, Hospital Director and the extremely hard-working Associate HD. The Dean KMC Prof Mahmud Aurangzeb is at the forefront to lead the team to regain KMC status as the leading medical college of the province. Dean KCD prof Nasir Shah has successfully achieved the difficult targets of IBP and Biometric attendance implementation. The hard work of the leaders, the esteemed faculty and the non-clinical management teams has borne fruit and the MTI KTH received the ISO-9001-2015 certification on 4.2.22.; probably the first large public sector hospital in the country to achieve this.
HD DR Zafar Afridi is committed to implementing the Board policies. Ex HD Prof Ruhul Muqeem deserves credit for his bold decisions to clear the various longstanding encroachments from the hospital and giving it a new face lift.
The following State of the art projects deserve acknowledgement
- 1. New Basement OPD complex with 90 consultation and 16 procedure rooms., inaugurated by the Honorable PM Imran Khan, is now fully operational; providing Q management system, ample waiting area and support facilities for the public.
- 2. Twenty modular OTs are to be made functional in March 2022.
- 3. Installation of latest, most modern CSSD & Laundry equipment.
- 4. Installation of latest IP based CCTV Surveillance system in the whole hospital.
- 5. IT Networking and computerisation of the whole hospital. Management Information System (ERP) implementation is taken as a project with a goal to integrate the working of all the departments (clinical & non clinical) and enhance work efficiency of the whole organization.
- 6. We are working towards the goal of paper free environment, through the use of Office 365, and to have complete digital communication and traceable records.
- 7. We are also working on e- recruitment portal and e- feedback by our patients / clients.
We have also added 60 beds to the highly stressed pediatric in-patient service and 80 beds allocated to the orthopedics on 4th floor of the new A&E block. Four newly renovated wards have been made functional for Surgery, Pediatrics, Psychiatry and Dermatology.
Hospital has completed the process of procuring the latest Helium free MRI machine and the long-awaited Cath lab.
The hospital cleaning and waste disposal systems has been out sourced and upgraded on modern lines to a renowned private firm.
Lastly, we have embarked on the 2nd phase of Renovation, Repair, Beatification and Refurbishment (RRB&R 2). The key features are
- 1.Expansion of Pediatric, Neonatal and Maternal services in keeping with the high demand in admissions.
- 2.New Radiology, Physiotherapy and administration Block.
- 3.New IBP private wing.
- 4.Renovation of Doctors and Nurses Hostels.
- 5.Establishment of Multistorey car parking by Public -Private Partnership.
I wish the Board, MTI leaders, managers and our esteem faculty best wishes in our endeavors ahead, to work as a team and to make MTI KTH/KMC/KCD a model Medical teaching Institution.
Prof. Dr. Nadeem Khawar
Chairman BoG MTI KTH