Khyber Teaching Hospital MTI
Nursing Department
We are an equal opportunity employer and provider with no discrimination on the basis of gender, cast, religion, disability and social status. We are committed to the provision of accessible, affordable and quality health care services along with human resources development based on good governance and optimal utilization of resources in a sustainable manner. we continuously search for better, through the process of continuous education, research and evidence-based practice in accordance with international standards.

- To develop excellence in nursing practice (clinical nursing skills) and
- To deliver patient-centered services to patient and families visiting MTI-KTH Peshawar
- To focus on nursing care that is safe, high quality, dignified and respectful; and always delivered in a professional manner
- To achieve better use of nursing resources
- Nurses will be engaged in the wider research agenda, and develop the skills and competencies required to generate as well as implement evidence in nursing practice
The whole planning are categories into the following six categories:
- Nursing Education & Training
- Human Resources/Hiring in nursing (Nursing Staffing)
- Standard Nursing Services/care;
- KP- Health Care Commission
- Infection Control
- Professional ethos and ethics
- Professional standards of Nursing Care
- Governance, leadership, legislation and policy
- Positive practice environment
- Compensation, benefits & conditions of employment
Standard Nursing Services/care
Infection Control Program
- To do hand hygiene self-Assessment (Indication &Techniques), assessment of required infrastructure, and training needs of the nursing staff.
- To do regular Audits of Infection control and submit report for corrective and preventive actions
- To conduct hand hygiene audits and communicate the findings to all concerns (infection control nurse)
- To initiate surveillance system (Hospital Acquired Infections) and develop compliance with IPC guidelines/protocols
- To develop infection control team within the nursing department and across the hospital.
Professional Ethos & Ethics
- To Develop and implement Philosophy of Nursing & Nursing education
- All the nursing staff are expected to provide nursing services according PNC (Pakistan Nursing Council) code of conduct.
- Demonstrate professional responsibility in protecting personal health information
- To improve professional communication of nurse with patient, relatives and other healthcare workers in a timely manner to promote continuity and delivery of safe, competent and ethical care.
Professional Standards Of Nursing Care
Registered Nurses must “function within the legally recognized scope of practice of nursing and within all relevant legislation.”
- To develop nurses capacity through ongoing education and training establish the concept the holistic nursing care.
- To establish and implement standards of Nursing care as per Pakistan Nursing Council and American Nursing Association (ANA) standard for Professional Nursing practice.
- To establish and implement standards of professional performance
Governance, Leadership, Legislation And Policy
- To develop and approve formal nursing organo-gram for MTI-KTH, Peshawar.
- The nursing’s governance structure are to be described in a written document(s), and those responsible for governance of the nursing division are identified by designation and governance function. (Clear Nursing structure as per new criteria)
- To ensure that nursing practices are governed by clinical polices/guidelines (pertinent policies).
- To develop standardize operating Procedures (SOPs) for all nursing units of MTI-KTH Peshawar.
- To set units/department standards to meet population health care needs; and ensuring continuing professional development of all nurses.
- To describe governance responsibilities and accountabilities in the document(s) and promote departmental governance and leadership on an ongoing basis.
Positive Practice Environments (PPE)
The PPE is cost-effective healthcare settings that support nursing excellence as well as decent work, have the power to attract and retain staff, support quality patient care and to improve patient satisfaction, safety and outcomes. The PPE also improve the motivation, productivity and performance of individuals and organizations.
- To develop a cost effective nursing care setting (nurse retention, & safety)
- To provide an environment free of infection and any risk (no Avoidable injury & harms)
- To focus on individual performance improvement using direct observation, corrective and preventive actions.
- To develop Job Descriptions (JDs) for all level of nursing personnel
- To develop a structured roll out and monitoring plan on PPE, in conjunction with the proposed office of Nursing risk management & infection control.
- To initiate audit system (Risk management & infection control) within nursing division MTI-KTH, to confirm to and respond to feedback regarding changes/observations/non-conformities in the audit process.
- To ensure participation of all Head Nurse/Acting HN/Supervisor in the clinical audit process for practice improvement and capacity development.
Khyber Teaching Hospital MTI
Nursing Department Team

Nursing Director

Nurse Manager

Nurse Manager