Bio Data/Profile
More the 15 years of clinical experience, and actively involved in teaching to the under and Post graduate students and research work with publications is the reputed Journals. After graduating in 2004 from Khyber Medical College (KMC), Peshawar, FCPS College of Physician and Surgeon Pakistan (CPSP) 2014.
Examiner and Supervisor College of Physician and Surgeon Pakistan (CPSP)
Area of Expertise
- General Oto Rhino Laryngology, ENT Diseases of the Ear Otology, Nose & Sinusis, Rhinology and throat, Endoscopic Sinus and Skull base surgery , Head and Neck and Larynx
- General Thyroid & Parathyroid Surgery, Parotid and Submandibular Glands
Awards & Honors
- Pakistan Society of Otorhinolaryngology
- Society of Rhinology & Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery, Pakistan
- Member of the Academic Council Khyber Medical College Peshawar
- Member of the of the Clinical Executive Board Khyber Teaching Hospital Peshawar
- Israr ud din, Ullah Z. et al. Frequency of malignancy in solitary thyroid nodule. Pak J of otolaryngology 2013; 29: 16-18. 1st author
- Israr ud din. et al. Outcome of myringoplasty of graft success rate in patients with chronic otitis media. J. Med. Sci. 2015; 23: 209-12.1st author
- Ullah A, Ahmad N, Ullah Z, israr uddin. et al. Occult primary in the head & neck and its diagnosis. PJMHS 2014; 8: 1109-12.4th author
- Ullah Z, Ismail M, Israr ud din. Susceptibility pattern of commonly isolated microorganisms from chronic suppurative otitis media. Gomal J Med Sci. 2015; 13: 123-6.3rd author.
- Ullah A, Hassan Z, Israr ud din. Predisposing factors and treatment outcome of otomycosis. JGDMS 2016; 2; 27-31. 3rd author.
- Din IU, Ullah S, Khan AR, Hafeez M, Muhammad G, Ullah N. Secondary haemorrhage in post tonsillectomy patients. J Med Sci 2016; 24: (3) 114-118. 1st author
- Hussain A, Muhammad T, Arif S, Din IU, Muhammad G. Complications of different types of thyroid surgery. J Med Sci 2016; 24: (3) 163-166. 3rd auther
- Hafeez M, Gul I, Shafiullah, Din IU, Arif A. Microbiology and drug sensitivity pattern in chronic suppurative otitis media in a tertiary care hospital of KPK. J Med Sci 2016; 24 (4) 231-233. 4th auther
- Hussin A, Din IU, Arif A, Shah SM, Hafeez M. Plummer Vinson syndrome in patients presenting with dysphagia. J Med Sci 2017; 25 (1) 24-26. 2nd author
- Ahmad N, Din IU, Gul I, Rukh G. Why nasal septal surgery alone is not sufficient to relieve nasal obstruction in case of deviated nasal septum? J Med Sci 2017; 25: (1) 115-118. 2nd auther
- Hussin A, Din IU, Arif A, Shah SM, Hafeez M. Plummer Vinson syndrome in patients presenting with dysphagia. J Med Sci 2017; 25: (1) 24-26.
- Hussain A, Ullah I, Zada B, Din I, Khan AR. Benign looking thyroid swelling and malignancies. J Med Sci 2018; 26: (2) 102-104.
- Hafeez M, Din IU, Khan AR, Rehman F, Arif AU. An audit of foreign bodies tracheobronchial tree at a tertiary care hospital. J Med Sci 2018; 26: (4)297-300.
- Khan I, Orakzai KH, Khan RA, Junid M, Din IU, Aziz A. Diagnostic accuracy of fine needle aspiration cytology (fnac) in thyroid swellings: study from a tertiary health care facility in kpk. J Med Sci 2019 Oct;27(4):359-62.
- Junaid M, Muhammad N, Umair M, Arif AU, Din I. The effectiveness of topical intranasal steroids verses systemic anti-allergic drugs in allergic rhinitis: a randomized controlled trial. J Med Sci 2020 Jan;28(1):50-54
- Din I, Hafeez M, Khan AR, Khan I, Junaid M. Frequency of Malignancy in patients presenting with Parotid swelling. J Med Sci 2020 April;28(2):167-170
- Din I, Hafeez M, Khan AR, Khan I. Clinical outcome of rigid bronchoscopy in patients with foreign body tracheobronchial inhalation. J Med Sci 2020;28(4):345-347
- Din IU, Junaid M, Khan I, Khan S, Aziz A, et al. Parotidectomy and Facial Paralysis, A Retrospective Review at A Tertiary Care Hospital. J Islamabad Med Dental Coll. 2021; 10(3):164-168
- Junaid M, Roohullah M, Din IU, Hussain A, Khan MA. Comparative Evaluation of 700 And 900 Rigid Endoscope in Successful Visualization of the Hidden Areas of Larynx. J Med Sci 2021 October;29(4):243-246
- Khan I, Din IU, Orakzai KA, Khan SF, Tarand AA, Aziz A. Comparison of recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) palsy with and without intraoperative nerve identification during thyroidectomy — a cross-sectional study from a tertiary level hospital in Peshawar. J Med Sci 2022 ;30(1):82-86
- Abbas A, Muhammad R, Shah MI, Khan I, Israr-ud-Din, Noor A. Comparison of Post-operative hemorrhage and hospital stay in early and delayed interval tonsillectomy for quinsy. Professional Med J 2022; 29(5):584-587.
- Fazal-I-Wahid, Saleem M, Habib-ur-Rehman, Israr ud Din. Otorhinolaryngological presentations of mucormycosis amid COVID-19 pandemic in a tertiary care hospital. Pak J Med Sci. 2022;38(8):2266-2271. doi:
- Haq UI, Din I, Nazneen L, Nasir I. Suitability of fine needle aspiration cytology for malignancy detection in solitary Thyroid nodule. J Khyber Coll Dentistry 2023; 13(1):35-37