Khyber Teaching Hospital MTI



Monday /Wednesday YES 8:OOAM to 4:OOPM
Monday to Friday Yes 4:OOPM to 8:OOPM


Urology is a surgical speciality that deals with prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases related to male and female urinary system and male reproductive system. The organs of urinary system are kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder and urethra while male reproductive system includes testis, epididymis, vas deferens, seminal vesicles, prostate and penis. Urology is a separate speciality from general surgery due to high prevalence of urologic diseases, difference in practice and training, constant innovation in technologies and medical therapies.


The Urology department at Khyber Teaching Hospital was established in 2017 with a single Senior Registrar post. Later on a post of Assistant Professor was created who worked under surgical department. With increasing patient burden, a separate urology department was allocated in Ophthalmology ward in 2018. The ward had one Assitant Professor, One Registrar and Five institutional medical officers.

Today the urology ward is fully functional with two Assistant professors, One Experiential Registrar, One Trainee Registrar and Institutional medical officers round the clock. The ward has 24 beds for inpatients. We have two operating theaters twice a week and two outpatient departments twice a week with daily ward rounds.

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Dr. Hazrat Ullah


The department of urology at Khyber Teaching Hospital specializes in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of urological disorders.  Our ultimate aim is to contribute to society by imparting education to the undergraduates, the promotion of minimally invasive surgery, provision of best urological care to our patients and the cultivation of urologists (post graduate trainees) with the ability to perform high-quality techniques, use specialized knowledge and inculcate excellent human values.


Our philosophy is based on evolution, innovation, minimalistic approaches, minimal morbidity and complications.  We believe in shared care using multidisciplinary team approach under one roof. We collaborate with multiple disciplines like medicine, endocrinology, general surgery, radiation oncology, interventional radiology, oncology to provide the best customized and updated urological care to our patients. Visit us at the earliest and do not delay your treatment.


We are providing the following services

We offer the best possible urological care using the most current state-of-the-art diagnostic testing, treatment protocols and surgical procedures. Some of the common services provided are
  • Hematuria is the presence of blood in urine seen through naked eye or microscope. It can be due to variety of benign and malignant conditions. It can be painful or painless. It can cause urine obstruction. Do not ignore this condition and visit us as early as possible
  • Unable to pass urine is called urinary obstruction. It can be due to a number of reasons. If ignored, it may cause kidney failure. In many cases it is painful. It can be temporarily relieved with catheterization in an emergency. Treatment depends on the cause.
  • Leakage of urine continuously or during coughing, sneezing and laughing is called urine incontinence. In many cases it is treatable. We can help you out and improve your confidence with variety of approaches.
  • Stones can form in any part of the urinary tract. Pain and heaviness in flanks, burning during urination, dysuria, fever, nausea and vomiting are common symptoms. The surgery is usually minimally invasive (key-hole) and does not require large incisions.
  • Infections of urinary tract affect every age group. It can be due to congenital anomalies, obstruction or transmitted. The common symptoms are burning micturition, urgency, hematuria and or fever. Patients usually require work up and admission.
  • It is the infection acquired after unprotected sexual intercourse. It presents as urethral discharge with burning urination. It needs appropriate treatment as early as possible.
  • It is the inability to achieve erection and perform sexual intercourse. It can be due to stress, psychologic disorders, certain medications, diabetes mellitus, or due to organic cause (venous leakage, peyronie’s disease). Treatment is cause specific and may include medications, psychotherapy, penile prosthesis.
  • It is the inability to conceive a baby by a couple after being in marriage for one year. The management of infertility in the male has generally focused on the surgical correction of various acquired and congenital obstructions within the genital system.
  • Trauma to the genitourinary system involves the urologist as one member of the trauma team during the initial evaluation of the multiply injured patient. We provide care and treatment to patients with renal, urethral, penile and bladder trauma.
  • Urological tumors include benign and malignant conditions involving kidneys, urinary bladder, prostate, testis, ureters and urethra. They are usually present as painless masses with dragging sensation and increase over time. Cancers of kidney, urinary bladder and prostate can cause painless hematuria. If diagnosed early they are treatable. Advanced cancers need proper workup and multimodal treatments like surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, targeted therapy etc.
  • Swelling of scrotum can be due to hydrocele, varicocele, spermatocele, epididymal cysts or tumor etc. These usually increase over time and cause dragging sensation and discomfort. It can be alarming if there is underlying testicular cancer. Treatment is usually surgery.
  • Transurethral resection of prostate (TURP)
  • Ureterorenoscopy (URS)
  • Percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL)
  • Direct vision internal optical urethrotomy (DVIU)
  • Laparoscopic surgery (in pipe line)
  • Cystolitholapexy (per urethral and percutaneous)
  • Management of Erectile dysfunction and Infertility
  • Management of secondary hypogonadism, decreased libido, premature ejaculation.
  • Transurethral resection of Bladder tumor
  • Radical nephrectomy
  • Radical orchidectomy
  • Adrenalectomy
  • Radical cystectomy.
  • We offer a variety of surgical treatment for pediatric population like hypospadias repair, epispadia repair, extrophy vesicae , Pyeloplasty for pelviureteric junction obstruction, Ambigous genitalia surgery, Vesicoureteric reflux surgery, Posterior urethral valve ablation
  • It mainly includes urethroplasty , Pyeloplasty, mitrofanoff
  • Procedures related to urogynecology include vesicovaginal fistula repair, Transobturator Tape (TOT), Transvaginal tape (TVT).
